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Welcome to Stem Ed, a website intended to inspire a love for all things STEM in the minds of tomorrow’s generation! Created as a hub for students and teachers alike, Stem Ed is a website dedicated to teaching students of all ages about the incredible potential found in the field of stem cell engineering. Although the content and its associated activities are geared primarily towards a middle-school level student (6th-8th grade), we at Stem Ed firmly believe that the information provided here will enable anyone to discover the truly awe-inspiring history and future opportunities linked with the application and utilization of stem cells.



The Stem Ed website was brought into creation as a final multimedia project for a Stem Cell Engineering class at Carnegie Mellon University. The founders of the website, a ragtag team of college students with broad focus areas ranging from Chemical Engineering to Biology to English and ages ranging from second-year undergraduates to masters students, soon discovered the one shared experience which would go on to inspire the goal of their project: the ignition of a lifelong dedication to science and its limitless capabilities. Although the experience had been different for each, the fond memories of the moment which had launched them into their pursuit of academic and personal happiness left everyone at the table smiling and eager to bring the same joy to a new audience.



Whether you’re a teacher incorporating the activities presented here into your weekly science class or a fellow college student trying to brush up on stem cell basics before that next exam, we hope that you catch yourself smiling as you scroll the pages of the site or at the very least recall with fondness your own educational spark, the one which guided you from a young age all the way to your current career path. We at Stem Ed believe in the power of a spark, and with your help, we hope to shine a light on the beauty of science and all it has to offer if only we give it our attention.

About Stem Ed


STEM ED was created as part of a final class project at Carnegie Mellon University for 42673 -Stem Cell Engineering taught by Dr. Adam Feinberg in the Biomedical Engineering department. Meet the group of students behind this project. 

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